Inspiration deco ocean degrade mer


Blue wave

Turquoise, navy blue and sapphire waters ripple along the surface like a delicate waltz. Movement, fluidity and depth are the three factors that punctuate the inspiration of our collections, all revolving around indigo hues.

Inspiration decor ocean opal blue
Inspiration decor ocean bubbles movements
Inspiration decor ocean view from the sky canoe sea
Inspiration decor ocean underwater waves
Inspiration decor ocean drops window pane

Associated colours:

Inspiration association colours decor cyan blueInspiration association colours decor lilac blue
Inspiration association colours decor navy blueInspiration association colours decor misty grey
Inspiration association colours decor sapphire blueInspiration association colours decor quartz serenity

In this same spirit, we focus on an aerial trend through uncluttered areas. The furniture is spaced out well, as if we were trying to let imaginary currents run through the various items. Our end goal is to gain in depth, by going for a myriad of blues. With chromotherapy as a goal, make sure you vary colour intensity according to the room: pale tones are well-suited for relaxation rooms and peacock blue for common areas. From a material point of view, bank on a light touch to convey the elements' domination and thus create a hotel reception hall with a delicate rawness to it. This ocean trend is made of movements and gradients that defy immobility.

Products of this project