Dare Your Dreams 5

With the fifth opus from our “Dare Your Dreams Collection”, Balsan pays homage to young Scandinavian talent. 

A fresh Nordic breeze is blowing through the design world. Inspired by nature, both minimalist and warm, practical yet colourful, the Swedish look inspired our Style and Design team to ask the budding designers at the famous Beckmans College of Design in Stockholm for their take on BALSAN carpets.


Beckmans College of Design – Stockholm

This renowned college of design is one of the smallest in the world. It is purposely kept small so that it can provide a personalised training programme for each of the 123 attendees. A highly qualified staff of 30 encourage their curious and determined students to express their own creative talents and empower them to carve out a place for themselves in the world.


These students have got “talang”! See for yourself in the Dare Your Dreams Collection N°5 booklet.