
Neele Logostics - Rotterdam

Neele Logistics, Bierbrouwerstraat 2, Rotterdam - NETHERLAND.
Visit the website.


  • Neele logistics wants a product that fits the company and its image,
  • Total building surface 1 250 m²,
  • They wanted a very strong carpet tile that has the appearance of a broadloom carpet. They found their solution in Balsan’s Bogolan tile range, a quality carpet with a solution-dyed fibre.


Balsan recommend's:

  • A textile carpet solution that is resistant to wear and comfortable underfoot,
  • Task was to convey the company image and to remain as faithful as possible to the company logo,
  • Minimum loss of carpet thickness and an elasticity in the carpet to resist the various comings and goings of people in the building,
  • Choice of a value-for-money product, resistant and approved by the European market,
  • Readily available stock, respect for deadlines.


Architect: Susanne Jense Interieur
Buidling owner:Neele Logistics
Installer: Tetrix office supplies