"Memories from the First World War" - La Nouvelle République
Article that tells the story of when Agnes Allain-Szakonyï - whose uncle published a journal about the First World War - met two Year 10 classes from a school in Argenton-Sur-Creuse.
"Domotex, confident for 2016" - L'agenceur Magazine
Two months prior to Domotex, this article takes stock of the situation. The feature contains an article on Balsan, addressing its background and products to be presented during the show.
Article that highlights the different types of coverings. In this article, Sérénité from the Easy Living Spirit collection was listed as being an efficient covering in workspaces.
"BEFORE & AFTER - Work clothes all around" - Maison créative
Article explaining how to convert your office into a living area. Rift, one of the products from the Landscape range, was listed as a recommended carpet tile.