Home: choosing carpet according to room type

Choosing the right carpet first and foremost means opting for the right product in the right room.
Rooms that are perfect for carpet
Cosy, quilted and supple, carpet is ideal for those who want some softness in their lives! Processes have evolved, but carpets still need to be cared for and the right carpet-room association needs to be found.
Carpet feels most at home in rooms where relaxation is important, such as the bedroom or lounge. Longer-fibred carpets can be laid in rooms with low-volume traffic.
Carpets cannot go anywhere and everywhere!
Although they may be highly resistant, carpets also need to be preserved! In the entrance hall or corridor, you are better off with high-usage textile flooring, so it can resist trainers, high heels and desk chairs with wheels. Good to know: stains are less visible on patterned carpets.
However, never try to cover the floor in your bathroom or kitchen in carpet as it is not suitable for these rooms.