
Home: how do I lay monolithic carpet tiles?

Advice lay home laying carpet tiles

Strictly follow laying instructions for optimal results.

Although carpet tiles are known to be easy to lay, it is important to comply with certain procedures depending on the chosen laying method. For monolithic carpet, the stages to be followed for even flooring are detailed below:

Phase 1- Inspect the floor to ensure that it is clean and flat.
Phase 2 – Trace two perpendicular lines that run through the centre of the room.
Phase 3 – Parallel to these lines, place strips of double-sided tape 30 centimetres away from each other. Remove the strips' protective layer.
Phase 4 - Depending on the chosen laying method, stick the tiles one next to the other, in the direction indicated on the backing.
Phase 6 – Lay the first tile at the intersection between the traced lines, right at the centre of the room.
Phase 7 – The other tiles must be adjusted around it, in a line, to be repeated all over the room's surface.
Phase 8 – If any tiles need to be cut or receded, use another tile as a model and trace around it onto the one that needs cutting.
Phase 9 – Once these finishing touches have been made, the laying process is over.


Choosing your carpet means ensuring high quality levels. Balsan offers a wide range of carpets for all tastes, and is there to help you make a choice by combining your desires and needs.

Choosing your carpet means ensuring high quality levels. Balsan offers a wide range of carpets for all tastes, and is there to help you make a choice by combining your desires and needs.