Hotel: how do I protect my carpet in access areas?

Protecting your hotel's entrances with mats helps prolong carpet life.
Hotel & carpet: protecting interior access areas for optimal cleanliness
In the hotel industry preserving the look of the floor is vital. How you maintain your carpet has a direct bearing on its lifespan. The main source of dirt is outside pollution, and above all, dust. Preventive measures must therefore be taken. This involves putting entryway mats and doormats at the entrances (access to the kitchen, the cafeteria, vending machines, etc) leading into carpeted areas.
No sooner said than done! This additional measure will help you control more than 90% of external sources of dirt and thus keep your textile flooring in good condition. Our preference is for bristled mats large enough for at least 3 steps towards the entrance to be taken on them.
The hotel exterior, an area not to be overlooked
Once you have successfully protected the area immediately inside of your hotel, eliminate the toughest dirt before it even passes the door! We recommend that you protect your exterior access areas by purchasing bristled doormats so that your guests' shoes are cleaned a little before they enter the hotel. Place these near lifts and car parks to capture any stubborn dirt.
Lastly, to ensure your protective measures continue to be effective, remember to clean the mats on a daily basis.