Home: glued or free-floating?

The method for laying the tiles depends on the room's surface area.
Small surface area : opt for free-floating carpet
If you are truly drawn towards soft carpet and feel ready to take the next step, make sure you think things through carefully beforehand. Depending on how big the room is, the laying method may vary.
For instance, free-floating carpet can only be laid in rooms with a surface area of less than 20 m². In larger rooms, there is a risk that the carpet may move over time, or unstick at the joints and door frames.
From a technical point of view, going for free-floating carpet is the easier option. The process is quick and makes it possible to change carpets easily in the future. If you are renting, it is ideal as you can decorate according to your personal style without leaving any marks when you vacate the premises.
Glued carpet is good for larger surfaces
No mistakes possible with glued carpet! This technique is relatively accessible, giving DIY newbies the pleasure of doing it all themselves.
If your room is larger than 20 m², it is generally considered eligible for glued carpet, with perfect long-term results. Carpet can be glued onto all types of floor so long as you have the right glue and primer (if necessary).
This practice is mostly reserved for home owners, as removing the glue in the event of later renovation work can be tedious and may leave marks.
When choosing between glued and free-floating carpet, it’s all a question of surface.