Home: how should I clean my stained carpet?

Identify the type of stain and act accordingly.
For a stain on the carpet, use the right technique
Whether due to clumsiness or bad luck, your plateful of food is now all over your living room carpet. Do not wait for a stain to form, act quickly! Contrary to common belief, if a stain persists it often means it was not treated properly. Here is what you need to do to avoid a carpet disaster:
Step 1: Remove as much of the spillage as you can by wiping up from the outside in, so that it doesn't spread. For solids, use a spoon or knife.
Step 2: Arm yourself with a clean cloth, a sponge or paper towel to soak up the excess liquid. Never rub, or the stain will soak right in.
Step 3: Clean the area with clean, cold water. Repeat if necessary.
Step 4: Start drying using clean paper towel or a clean cloth. Never use a hairdryer as this would cause damage beyond repair.
Is the stain still there? No need to panic, Balsan is here to help
If, despite all your efforts, the stain won't budge, you'll need to use a fabric stain remover. You have two possible options:
- Repeat the first operation but replace the water with a suitable stain remover. Spray-on stain removers and chlorinated products are not suitable.
- Repeat the cleaning stages using white vinegar, well known for its ability to lift coffee, tea and red wine stains, and drink stains in general.
Remember to carry out a test beforehand on a hidden area off carpet or an off-cut to prevent possible discolouration.