Home: typology of the most common stains and how to handle them.

Mud, chewing gum or lipstick, we don’t need to know how it happened. We are here to help you sort the problem out.
Every stain has a weakness
We cannot stress how important it is to act quickly after a stain has been made. Even if you are in a hurry, make sure you choose the right product:
• To treat butter, oil, grease, tar and wax : "Eau écarlate" stain remover is a staple product.
• To fight against alcohol stains, wine, coffee, tea, coca-cola and urine : White vinegar will be your best ally.
• When dealing with an accident including milk, egg, yoghurt, chocolate, grass or vomit: a carpet shampoo rinsed away with clear water will be perfect.
• Did you drop your pot of glue or varnish? Dab the carpet with a cloth soaked in acetone.
• A clumsy spill when refurnishing your home resulting in paint on the floor: opt for a clean cloth and some white spirit.
• If your lipstick slips, clean it with some make-up remover.
• If you got rust on your carpet, dab the area immediately with an anti-rust product.
Techniques for very specific stains
In certain cases, simply wiping the stain with a sponge is not enough. Cause and effect…and a solution:
• If some mud was trodden into your carpet, leave it to dry, then brush it off. If the stains persist, use some carpet shampoo and rinse it off with clear water.
• Did some candle wax drip onto the floor ? Scrape the surface gently before placing some blotting paper on the stained area and running over it with a warm iron. The operation should be repeated until the melted item has been absorbed by the blotting paper. Lastly, scrub the stain with a cloth previously soaked in "eau écarlate" stain remover.
• To remove chewing gum : Harden it with some ice and unstick it with the back of a knife. Any residue can be removed with acetone.
• To fight against sugar or sugary drink or food stains : Dab with some water before cleaning the area with some carpet shampoo.
• For unidentified stains : Dab the area, alternating between "eau écarlate" stain remover, acetone and a diluted white vinegar solution. Finish off with some carpet shampoo and rinse it off with clear water.