Graphic energy
Driving forces
Drawn with a ruler, in the style of Le Corbusier, certain areas are entirely geometric and minimalist : cool colours, repeated patterns, refined movements. It is within this framework that Balsan has shaken up the lines. Because design is first and foremost graphics. Or the other way round.

Associated colours:

Ornaments make way for the simple icons that characterise Scandinavian interiors. At the office, the furniture is energetically colourful and trades in its curves for undeniably elegant straight lines. Drawing on an evolution in working practices, offices are being reviewed and are gradually stepping off the beaten track. There is less furniture, replaced by a more stylish atmosphere where desk chairs no longer have wheels. The area is full of transparent iron wire objects or polycarbonate elements. Buildings themselves are taking on the trend, boasting two-coloured cubic contours. As you move through the areas, the materials intertwine but each one has its own defined space!